It is important to note, especially for new DB2 UDB users, that the GRANT statement does not verify the existence of a user or group account in the external facility. 必须指出,特别是对DB2UDB新用户,GRANT语句不会检验用户和组帐户是否存在于外部设施中。
Note in particular the last statement in the method: System. out. println(" integer= "+ t.image). 特别需要注意方法中的最后一条语句:System.out.println(“integer=”+t.image)。
Also note that there is no SORT at the top because the statement is a SELECT INTO rather than a cursor. 还应注意的是,在顶部没有SORT,因为该语句是一种SELECTINTO,而不是游标。
Note: if you analyze the Optimized Statement section of the db2exfmt output for the above query, you may notice that the OR predicates were converted to their equivalent IN predicates 注意:如果分析一下以上查询的db2exfmt输出的OptimizedStatement部分的话,您会注意到OR谓词被转换成了与它们等效的IN谓词
Please note that result of the$ dbh-> prepare method is SQL Statement handle. 请注意,$dbh->prepare方法的结果是SQL语句句柄。
Note: A reorganization of the tables is necessary, the ALTER TABLE statement just updates the catalog content. 注意:表的重组是必需的,ALTERTABLE语句只是更新编目的内容。
Note that the SELECT statement above is captured by the snapshot. 请注意,上面的SELECT语句是由快照所捕获的。
The first thing you'll note is that each line is a statement semicolons(;) are not required to end lines and that variables are not declared. 要注意的第一件事是每一行就是一个语句不需要分号(;)来结束这些行并且变量没有声明。
Note the braces enclosing the System. out. println() statement in the integerLiteral rule. 请注意integerLiteral规则中用花括号包括的System.out.println()语句。
Note: The transaction issued by this INSERT statement might be so large that your server won't be able to handle it. 注意:这条INSERT语句所涉及的事务可能会相当大,以致于您的服务器无法加以处理。
Also note the qualified class name in the SQL statement. 还需注意SQL语句中的完全限定类名。
Note that the test for null values is gone from the FOR statement, because you want to handle that condition by writing a diagnostic record. 注意,对null值的检查从FOR语句中消失了,因为希望通过写诊断记录来处理这种情况。
Note that this statement specifies the table spaces for the table, index, and large objects ( LOBs). 注意,这个语句为表、索引和大对象(LOB)指定了表空间。
Note that an ORDER BY clause in the SELECT statement would not have any effect on the order of the array elements, as it would apply to the rows returned by the statement. 请注意,SELECT语句中的orderby子句不会对阵列元素的顺序产生任何影响,因为它将应用于该语句返回的行。
Note how the final statement ( and all statements in Erlang) is terminated by a period. 注意,最后一个语句(和Erlang中的所有语句)以句号结尾。
Note: We use the character '@'as statement terminator throughout the article; it is not part of the statement itself. 注意:在全文中我们使用字符'@'作为语句终止符,这个字符不是语句本身的一部分。
Note, however, that the ALTER TABLE statement only allows you to increase the inline length. 但是要注意,ALTERTABLE语句只允许增加inlinelength。
Please note that it is a CONCLUDING statement, meaning you need to bluntly say what point you are trying to make and lead it into your next body paragraph. 请注意,这是总结语句,也就是说你要直截了当地说明你想阐述的观点,并将其引入下一个主体段。
The rather bitter note of this statement probably reflects the tone of the white planters. 这种说法中带着一些怀恨的口气,它或许反映了一种白人殖民者的腔调。
Note that this will always be in the form of a probability statement. 须注意这始终是以概率来表达的。
I shall make a note of your statement. 我们将把你的发言记录下来。
Note: the attachment of this statement on any electronically submitted assignments will be deemed to have the same authority as a signed statement. 注:附于电子版作业中的此声明与签名的声明具同等效力。
Note: A FALSE statement confuses "plan" with "fact". 注意:错误的表述总是将计划和实际混淆。
Note how the passive voice is expected avoids personal responsibility for this statement. 注意这里的被动语态据预计是如何撇清了个人对于这一陈述的责任的。
He heard the note of warning in her statement; she was protecting her turf. 他从里佐利的话中听出了警告的意味,她是在维护自己的权益。
Should you feel the need to talk about his internal organs, his genetic make up or even his hairstyle, please note that your statement will require approval. 如果你对他的内脏,基因构成或者发型有什么意见的话,请提交书面申请。
Please note that this Statement may be amended from time to time. 请注意,本声明可能在未经通知的情况下不时修改。
Therefore it is necessary to make study of the principles and method of compiling the appended note to the accounting statement. 现在,会计报表附注已成为企业对外报送财务报告不可缺少的重要组成部分,因此,研究会计报表附注的编制要求和编制方法非常必要。
As a supplementary disclosure to balance sheet, profit statement and cash flow statement, the appended note to the accounting statement increases the comprehensibility of the accounting information and hence a more sufficient disclosure of the information. 会计报表附注是对资产负债表、利润表和现金流量表的补充披露,它可以增进会计信息的可理解性,促使会计信息充分披露。
The famous Chinese writer Xu Shen in the "Dictionary" Note: "Sheep" statement, seen in the ancient Chinese, the meaning of the word "beautiful" and subjective understanding, is to eat as origin. 中国著名文学家许慎在《说文解字》注:羊大为美的语句,可见在中国古代,美字的含义和主观认识,都是以吃为起源的。